Artist Frances Clark


Frances Clark

Media Sculpture
Type Sculpture Figure/Life
Price £570.00 / $733.48
Size 25 x 31 cm
Ref 27636

Maeve (Goddess)

Frances Clark

Media Sculpture
Type Sculpture Figure/Life
Price £2400.00 / $3088.32
Size 60 x 25 cm
Ref 28380

Danu (Goddess)

Frances Clark

Media Sculpture
Type Sculpture Figure/Life
Price £2400.00 / $3088.32
Size 61 x 30 cm
Ref 28379

Reconnecting III

Frances Clark

Media Ceramic
Type Figure/Life Sculpture
Price £280.00 / $360.30
Size 14 x 26 cm
Ref 26995

Veronika (Warrior Goddess)

Frances Clark

Media Sculpture
Type Figure/Life Sculpture
Price £2025.00 / $2605.77
Size 23 x 50 cm
Ref 28381

Heritage V

Frances Clark

Media Sculpture
Type Sculpture Figure/Life
Price £205.00 / $263.79
Size 10 x 14 cm
Ref 28382

Heritage IV

Frances Clark

Media Sculpture
Type Sculpture Figure/Life
Price £205.00 / $263.79
Size 10 x 14 cm
Ref 28377

Warrior Goddess: Scout Party II

Frances Clark

Media Sculpture
Type Sculpture
Price £1600.00 / $2058.88
Size 68 x 28 cm
Ref 28374

Frances Clark works from her studio in West Kilbride. She produces a personally driven body of stunning ceramic artwork.

My own work moves between representations of the human figure and animals. Sculpting initially in clay, the finished piece will either be ceramic or resin, sometimes a mixture of both.

She takes most of her inspiration from walks along the coastline and through the countryside. Her attention is drawn to natural details; patterns in the sand, textures on rocks, barnacles, limpets and seaweed. You can see this focus on her series of sculptural work ‘The Goddesses’

Her series look up into the skies, but what are they looking up to?

The way we used to map our journey through landmarks or by the stars reinforces a sense of connection with a place. Gazing at the skies reminds me of how insignificant I am as an individual, how my time here is short in comparison to the age of our universe yet I am connected to this, I am part of something so much greater than myself, I am part of its story.

Places we have been stay with us, they become part of our psyche, informing who we are, the decisions we make, and they leave their mark.  My visceral response to areas has led me to explore the concept of ancestral memory and the connection our ancestors had with the land.”

Clark has carried out a lot of contemporary research on the Picts and the occurrence of the Nine Maidens. This has caused her to question what she thought she knew and what she believed.

The memory of the journey finds a voice in my work. And the journey continues..."