Artist Tracy Levine

Isle of Harris I, Hebrides

Tracy Levine

Media Mixed Media
Type Landscape/Seascape
Price £1450.00 / $1865.86
Size 64 x 64 cm
Ref 26045

Edinburgh Skyline

Tracy Levine

Media Mixed Media
Type Landscape/Seascape
Price £1850.00 / $2380.58
Size 78 x 78 cm
Ref 25916

Isle of Mull, Fields Across Fidden

Tracy Levine

Media Mixed Media
Type Landscape/Seascape
Price £850.00 / $1093.78
Size 54 x 54 cm
Ref 25917

Iona, Between the Rain II

Tracy Levine

Media Mixed Media
Type Landscape/Seascape
Price £595.00 / $765.65
Size 44 x 44 cm
Ref 25914

Iona Beach IV, Changing Weather

Tracy Levine

Media Mixed Media
Type Landscape/Seascape
Price £1250.00 / $1608.50
Size 48 x 78 cm
Ref 25918

Iona Abbey, Island of Iona

Tracy Levine

Media Mixed Media
Type Landscape/Seascape
Price £1200.00 / $1544.16
Size 64 x 64 cm
Ref 24731

Iona, Turquoise Tide

Tracy Levine

Media Mixed Media
Type Landscape/Seascape
Price £1350.00 / $1737.18
Size 64 x 64 cm
Ref 25913

Tracy gained a BA(Hons) degree in Fine Art in 1986, qualified as a lecturer in Art in 1988 and later worked in Further and Higher Education for 12 years. She has been involved in teaching young adults and mature students in a range of artistic disciplines including printmaking, life drawing and visual studies.

Complimentary to her teaching, and continuing artistic practice, Tracy ran her own successful business for 15 years in the specialist field of 20th Century Decorative Arts. She was one of the top half-a-dozen experts on the works of Clarice Cliff’s ceramics in the UK, regularly exhibiting in London and many other areas of the country.

Since 2006 Tracy has since been working full time as an artist from her amazing purpose-built studio and Gallery in her home village of Arnside, Cumbria. The wonderful landscape of south Lakeland has proved to be a perfect source of inspiration for her work. Her work has been exhibited  in galleries throughout Cumbria and the North West as well as around the U.K.  She has an extensive list of successful solo shows over past years including the very large solo exhibition at The Gallery at Rheged in 2014.

Tracy has been awarded numerous prizes and awards including first prizes in both the Cumbria OPEN and The Create Longridge competition. She is also an elected member of the prestigious Lake Artists Society.

Tracy’s contemporary paintings capture the spirit of the landscapes that inspire her. Her feelings and awareness of an environment are portrayed on canvas in work that expresses a strong connection and intriguing sense of place. The subjects are mostly places that she knows well and visits often. The intensity of observation, through painting and drawing in situ, is captured in the ensuing studio work. This first hand response gives an immediacy and spontaneity to her work.

Tracy embraces an extensive range of media in her paintings, sometimes including collaged materials. Her printmaking combines original mono printing techniques with painterly elements.

The resulting work reflects a distinctively individual style of intuitive semi-abstract work.